ACEO Flowers in Vase from Acrylic Painting, Print - "Memories"

ACEO Flowers in Vase from Acrylic Painting, Print - "Memories"


ACEO - "Memories" acrylic print.

The original painting may still be available 16 x 20" Acrylic on canvas board. Contact seller if interested.

Measure 2.5" x 3.5" Art Cards Edition or Originals also known as ATC Art Trading Cards.

This ACEO is printed on watercolor canvas paper and is perfect for a small gift in a birthday card or to an ACEO Collector, or you can even have this framed.

An affordable way to be an art collector.

The LOGO will not appear on ACEO

©Christie Cottage - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - not for reproduction or copied.

Use for intended use only.

Inspiration/Story Behind This Product
I was sitting staring at the large vase with the flowers from my Mom's funeral. I brought home one flower and made the arrangement. I decided to paint the case.

Materials Used
Card stock or premium photo paper. Ink My art
Product Attributes

Primary Material: Card stock or Premium Photo Paper, ink

Size: ACEO

Pattern: Flowers in vase

Color: Brown